Get Involved

Support the Victims of Child Abuse in Buncombe County

Give Back

Our team helps more than 9,000 children and their families by offering advocacy, education, therapy, and prevention services. These are provided at no cost. To continue helping neglected children and victims of domestic abuse, we would appreciate your support.


Join our Monthly Giving Program

By renewing your support monthly, you help provide Mountain Child Advocacy Center with a steady resource for providing services free of charge, removing barriers to quality treatment and complete healing.


Join our Legacy Society

We are facing more pressures, challenges, and actual cases than ever before. The pandemic has increased the need for services, even as federal and local funding becomes more uncertain. The Mountain Child Advocacy Center Legacy Society will build a financial foundation that promises sustainable services to our community's most vulnerable children. There are various opportunities to bequeath to our organization through the Legacy Society. You may add Mountain CAC in your will or add a simple codicil to your will or make our agency one of the beneficiaries of a portion of a life insurance policy or retirement plan. It doesn't matter how much, and you do not need to share the particulars with us. Please contact Carla Musgrove at [email protected] to join.

Here is a links to our commitment letter, a will codicil example, and examples of language for your bequest.
Legacy Society Commitment Form
Codiciel Example
Example Bequest Language

Give a Gift-in-Kind

Our work is greatly enhanced by gifts-in-kind from our community. See below for our wish list items. Please contact our office if you would like to donate an item on our wish list.


Children and their Families

  • Clothing (jackets, shoes, etc.)
  • Gas cards
  • Grocery gift cards
  • Dining gift cards
  • Coloring books

Our Programs

  • Snacks
  • Bottled water
  • Balls (bouncy, squishy, textured) for coping skills
  • Art supplies (markers, crayons)

The Office

  • Copy paper
  • Stamps
  • Kleenex

Give your Time and Talent

Host an Event
Peer to Peer fundraising
Join our Board

Business and Foundation Gifts

Corporate Partnership
Event Sponsorship
Foundation Gifts
